Winter Safety Challenge: Can You Say You’ve EVER Completed the Checklist? 💪
Frozen pipes, slippery roads, electrical fires–YIKES! It’s the time of the year to review some winter safety tips with your family 🙌 Do you successfully complete this checklist every year?
Winter Safety Tips for Your Home
EVERY YEAR, you should have your furnace, water heater, and any other gas or coal-burning appliances inspected by a qualified technician. NEVER use a gas oven to heat your home. Even in an emergency, such as a power outage, try try try to find a safe place to relocate. A gas stove can omit fatal levels of Carbon Monoxide (CO). It’s invisible and odorless.
👉️ Did you know that carbon monoxide poisoning can become deadly within minutes, even if the doors and windows are open? Never run a generator in your home–not even the basement or garage.
This leads us to our next tip: ensure that your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are in proper working condition 👌
If you have a fireplace or wood stove, make sure to get that checked out every year. And make sure that your damper is open before lighting a fire! Keep a fire extinguisher nearby and make sure that any children in the home know how to use it.
Bonus Tips: Protect Home from Holiday Fires
Auto & RV Suggestions
If you don’t have full coverage on your car during the icky icy months, it sure wouldn’t hurt to ask for a quote! Liability insurance is designed to protect drivers and pedestrians around you if you’re considered to be at fault for an accident.
So if you hit a patch of black ice and it sends you into a tree or another car, it’s not probable that your liability insurance will pay for any of your medical services or car repairs 🙈
As we’ve talked about recently, this can be a big concern with the rising costs of parts and labor. Spend some time evaluating your financial situation. If you think you can afford to increase your policy to full coverage for the winter, give us a call and we’ll try to get you the best deal possible for your budget.
⭐TIPS on how to prepare your vehicle for the winter! Click Here
Winter Safety Tips for Your Pets
A lot of us have pets that need to go outside. While many of them enjoy the snow and you may even need to wrestle them to get back inside, the cold weather can be perilous to their health. Especially with windchills!
Before you take them out for their walk or open the back door, take an extra minute to put some winter boots on their feet. This helps protect the sensitive padding from exposure to snow, ice, or frostbite. PLUS they can help protect their paws from dangerous chemicals that are used in some ice-melting substances. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has a list of household hazards that you should keep away from your pets.
⭐ Last big tip! When was the last time you checked to see if your pets are covered by your insurance policy?
👉️ While some insurance companies cover vet bills if your pets are hurt in a home or vehicle accident, it’s not guaranteed. So if you’re planning to travel for the holidays and want to take your furry friends with you, take a closer look at your policy. Or give us a call at 417-882-1800. We’re always happy to help.
Happy New Year, Friends! 🥳
Catch Bruce Porter’s show Dollars & $ense Tuesdays at 3 pm on KOLR’s Ozarks Live
👉 Visit our YouTube page for more tips
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