Ditch Multitasking, Embrace Interstitial Time and Get Productive
Ditch Multitasking, Embrace Interstitial Time and Get Productive
For years, multitasking has been a valued skill – one that many folks have become quite adept at and proud of – but scientific analysis is showing more and more that it amounts to being a jack of all trades, master of none.
Scientists say humans don’t actually multitask; the brain switches back and forth quickly from one task to another, which keeps it from operating at full capacity during both activities. Multitasking actually diminishes the focus and general effectiveness of what you’re trying to do compared to giving one task full attention before moving on to another.
If multitasking can diminish effectiveness, it’s best if the important decisions get undivided attention. With our focus on retirement income strategies, we can help you work toward your monetary goals without a split-screen experience. We are financial professionals so you don’t have to be, so call us when you need a full focus on your retirement income strategy.
There’s a space of time that could be used to accomplish some of the to-dos that often get multitasked. Instead of flitting between a series of tasks, use your interstitial time. This is when you have intervals during the day when you’re doing absolutely nothing. Most people feel they don’t have any extra time, but consider the time you spend waiting at the checkout line in a store, waiting to pick up your kids or grandkids from school or activities, riding an elevator, or even all that time you spend on hold.
Instead of wasting your valuable time at home or work – or rudely “multitasking” when someone’s trying to have a conversation with you – check your Facebook page or ballgame scores on your cellphone during these interstitial times. You can use these in-between times to return phone calls and respond to emails and texts. When you make better use of interstitial periods, you can free up time throughout your day for other things, other people or even for yourself.
Searching for productivity often strains your creative energies most of all. After all, the new project idea, event title or anniversary gift idea never comes on demand, right? Multitasking and clicking through the never-ending task list – even if you are using interstitial time – doesn’t always leave room for the idea bulb.
When it comes to having creative and inventive ideas, the best time is usually when you’re a little tired, as a relaxed brain is more open to conjuring less obvious ideas. That means if you’re a night bird, you may have better ideas in the morning. If you’re a morning person, your fatigued brain may be more productive later in the day. Who knew?
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